Buat Koneksi Dial Speedy

Berikut langkah-langkah untuk membuat koneksi Dial speedy berdasarkan OS yang anda gunakan, selamat mencoba.

Windows XP

1.Click Start
2.Click control Panel
3.Click Network connections
4.Click Create a new connection, Next
5.Pic Connect to the internet, Next
6.Pic Set up my connection mannually, Next
7.Pic Connect using a broadband connection that requires a user name and password, Next
8.Put ISP Name : Speedy, Next
9.put your user name ( nmrspeedy@telkom.net ) dan password, Next
10.If you wanna create shortcut to desktop, cheklist Add shortcut to this connection to my desktop, Finish.

Windows Vista

1.Click Start
2.Click Connect to
3.Click Set up a connection or network
4.Pic Connect to the internet, Next
5.If you have another Connection, pic Set up a new connection anyway
6.Create a new connection, Next
7.Choose Broadband (PPPoE)
8.Put your user name ( nmrspeedy@telkom.net ) dan password from Provider
9.And than Click Connect

Mac OS (Tiger)

1.Click System Preferences
2.Click Network
3.Pic Built-in Network
4.Click PPPoE, Cheklist
5.Service Provider: Telkom
6.Account Name: ( nmrspeedy@telkom.net )
7.Password: (password From provider)
8.PPPoE Service Name: Speedy
9.Apply Now

Sumber : speedytutorial.blog.plasa.com


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